
Many of you would have been to them. This post is for those who haven't. When we had an energetic school mate try and organise a school re-union about a year back, a lot of us got excited. After all, it was about 14 years since many of us had even met or talked to each other! I was quite excited too, even though most of the people turning up were people I had not spoken to much at school either :-) Anyway after a lot of emailing and calling, the day and venue got fixed. We were expecting about 20 of us to show up. I showed up at the rendezvous a good 30 minutes late, not knowing what to expect. Will anyone recognise me? Will I have to make a very long introduction?? At first I thought I got the wrong place, or maybe the wrong date!? It was 11 am on a Sunday morning and not a soul was seated at the south Bombay restaurant. Incidentally, this was the last day the restaurant was open - it was to be shut that evening. OK, so the date better be right. I noticed another lady loitering about looking as lost as me. Well, so the venue was right, too. We got talking, and I quickly refreshed my memory. Yes, she was my a classmate - the memories slowly started rushing in. A few calls and an hour later, we had all of 7 people present. Quite disappointing, you might think. But as the gathering grew and the nostalgic moments were revisited, none of us wanted to stop talking about our teachers, our classmates, the funny/wierd stuff we did, and things that seemed like a big deal then, but could be laughed away now. Some of us had been shy in school, but were completely different adults. Some of them had seemed brash and even intimidating back then, but were actually pretty nice people (I realized). There was something about these different people that made me feel good - relive those days of old. For some reason, people we spend our childhood with will always remain special. A few hours later we split with memories and promises to keep in touch. Well, I almost never stayed in touch with them, but there is another re-union planned for tonight. And I am not missing it for anything.


Kavi said…
I hope you have a great fun time at the reunions. Reunions are always fun and sometimes scary too.

I have had reunions where the first exclamation is 'where has all the hair gone...?' !!!

Glad that you had such fun !
Darril said…
It reminds me the trip to Goa last year in October where we(me and my schoolmates) had a get together. It was amazing and filled with fun. After seven years we met there and we are still in touch with each other. Sometimes this reunions makes us realize that we missed a good friendship in our school days...
wanderer said…
may god be with you and your family always.


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